Guide to Doing Business
in Suriname
Real estate
In Suriname, legislation related to real estate is contained in various laws, such as:
- the Suriname Civil Code (Burgerlijk Wetboek);
- the Agriculture Act (Agrarische Wet 1937);
- the Buildings Act (Bouwwet);
- the Buildings Decree No. 1 (Bouwbesluit no. 1);
- the Urban Planning Act (Stedebouwkundige Wet);
- the Monuments Act (Monumentenwet 2002);
- the Expropriation Urban Planning Development and Residential Facility Act (Wet Onteigening Stedebouwkundige ontwikkeling en Woningvoorziening); and
- the Hire Purchase Real Estate Act (Wet Huurkoop Onroerend Goed).
Legislation with respect to the lease of real estate, can be found in various laws such as:
- the Suriname Civil Code (Burgerlijk Wetboek)
- the Tenant Protection Act (Huurbeschermingswet); and
- the Lease Value Tax Act (Wet huurwaardebelasting 1995).
Legislation in Suriname also involves certain laws with respect to spatial planning such as:
- the Decree Principles Land Policy (Decreet Beginselen Grondbeleid);
- the Decree Legal Status Land allocated before 1 July 1982 (Decreet Rechtstoestand vóór 1 juli 1982 uitgegeven gronden);
- the Decree allocation of State-owned Land (Decreet Uitgifte Domeingrond); and
- an (outdated 1904) Expropriations Act (Onteigeningswet).