Guide to Doing Business
in Curaçao
Stock exchange
The Dutch Caribbean Securities Exchange (DCSX) is an international exchange for the listing and trading in domestic and international securities (bonds, equities and funds) based in Curaçao. DCSX is the only authorized securities exchange and is licensed by the Minister of Finance, Government of Curaçao and supervised by the Central Bank of Curaçao and Sint Maarten.
DCSX forms part of the international financial services sector of Curaçao that is well known with a longstanding reputation, dating back to the early 1930s. Furthermore, DCSX is an affiliate of the World Federation of Exchanges and is since January 29,2020, an official member of AMERCA- Asociación de Mercados de Capitales de las Américas (Association of Capital Markets of the Americas), formed by the Stock Exchanges of Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panamá and the Dominican Republic.
The DCSX provides local as well as international companies, investment funds and Exchange Traded Funds (ETF’s) with a time- and cost efficient listing procedure for equity-, funds- and bond listings.
Any institution that wishes its security listed on the DCSX is required to engage a Listing Advisor and an broker (local or internation bank) authorized by DCSX to broker securities on DCSX.
Currently, Vidanova Global Custody Foundation, acts as the current central depository and custodian of the DCSX.
DCSX has developed sophisticated listing requirements for the issuer, tailored to the needs of the market. The emphasis lies on the disclosure of vital information in a cost and time-efficient procedure that guides the issuer through the administrative process. DCSX ensures transparency for the investor and guarantees visibility for the issuer at all times. The listing fees of DCSX are kept highly competitive.