Guide to Doing Business
in Aruba
Structures for doing business
The most common used (legal) entities in Aruba are the following:
- The public limited liability company(naamloze vennootschap, N.V.);
- The limited liability company(vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid, V.B.A.);
- The foundation(stichting);
- Partnerships(maatschap and/or ”VOF” and/or ”CV”).
The Aruba exempt company(aruba vrijgestelde vennootschap, A.V.V.) no longer exists as from 1 January 2021;
Pursuant to the Business Establishment Ordinance (Vestigingsverordening bedrijven) a person, (legal) entity or branch of a (foreign) legal entity that carries on business in Aruba, requires a business license, unless exempted there from by said Ordinance or other laws or regulations.