Guide to Doing Business
in Saba
Nuisance, nature & environmental regulations
Unlike Bonaire and Statia, Saba does not have a nuisance ordinance or a waste ordinance.
The Planning Bureau of Saba is responsible for the implementation of civil works projects initiated by the government. The tasks of this department include:
- to plan and design projects of the public entity, including the provision of cost estimates;
- to tender request for proposals (bids) and evaluate the proposals submitted by contractors;
- supervise contractors to ensure that the project is being executed according to outlined specifications; and
- assess the feasibility of future projects that the government may be inclined to pursue.
Pursuant to the Nature Conservation Framework Act BES (Wet grondslagen natuurbeheer en -bescherming BES), the Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality adopts a nature policy plan every five years. The Nature and Environment Policy Plan 2020 – 2030 (Beleidsplan natuur en milieu Caribisch Nederland 2020-2030) is now in effect in Saba. The plan contains the policy on nature and natural resources. Certain areas of the island are protected by national laws or international treaties. For instance the Mount Scenery National Park, the Saba National Marine Park, the Saba Bank National Park. The Yarari Sanctuary comprises all the waters of Saba.
The Nature and Environment Policy Plan also refers to the interaction between nature and other sectors of the economy, such as tourism, fishery, agriculture, cattle breeding and mining.